Moose Lake Advancement Association

News & Announcements

Fall Member Meeting and



Our MLAA Fall Meeting will be held on Oct 7th, 6:30 pm and will be held at Stone Bank School. The meeting will cover our current high water situation and options moving forward to resolve the situation.  

We will also be having elections for the 2025 year.  2024 MLAA members can vote in the election - one vote per membership.  The current slate of candidates is as follows, (unless there are any other declared candidates 20+ days prior to the election).  This is the final call for candidates.

Click on a name for available profile.  (Profiles are from 2022 and may not have been updated to include candidates time on the MLAA board).



     President:  Rory Leyden

     VP:             Hilarie Puestow

     Secretary:  Yvonne Lindl

     Treasurer:  Tom Kielma

     Directors:   Gery Sawall, Tammy Gallagher, Sue Laabs

                        Bob Mikulec,  Lynn Leidel, Thomas “Benny” 



Note, there are 6 candidates running for 5 Director seats.  


Meeting agenda, Spring 2024 MLAA (preliminary) meeting minutes and Treasurer's report will be posted here as they become available.  (Posted 9/9/24) (Updated: 10/3/2024 - MLAA Spring meeting minutes added) (Updated: 10/5/2024 - Treasurer's Report added)


MLAA Picnic - Sept 8th - Details!

The 3rd Annual Moose Lake Advancement Association Picnic will be held Sunday, Sept 8th.  Starts at 3:00 pm (4:30 pm food served).  Will include games for kids and adults.  $5 adults, $3 children (pay at event).  Located on the old Hasslinger Resort meadow.


Grilled burgers and hot dogs provided.


Please bring your own beverages, chair and a dish to share (families with last name starting A-K bring side dish, L-Z bring munchies.)


Click here for a full postable flyer, including location maps.  (Posted 8/7/2024)


Moose Lake Tie-Up Sunday - July 21st

R eminder to enjoy the fun at our annual Moose Lake Tie Up, where we get to meet and socialize with our lake neighbors on the water.   

  • Sunday JULY 21st 12:00 - 4:00 pm  

  • Bring your own food and beverages

  • Gather in the middle of lake

Bring a couple of boat bumbers if you have them.  (Posted 7/16/2024)



Weed Treatment Summary

Invasive weed treatment occurred today.  The signs posted in area of invasive weed treatment indicate 1 day swimming restriction and 21 day irrigation restriction.  More info in posting from earlier this mornning.  (Posted 6/26/2024   3:50 pm)


Moose Lake Tie-Up - Save the Date

Save Sunday afternoon,  JULY 21st [corrected date] for our Moose Lake Boat Tie-Up/Social.  More details to come.  (Posted 6/26/2024, corrected the date: 4:20 pm)



June 26th, 2024

MLAA -  Moose Lake Weed Spraying-Wednesday June 26th


This is notification about the treatment of aquatic invasive plants in Moose Lake (primarily Eurasian Milfoil).  Treatment is scheduled for today, June 26th.  Here is a photo of the areas being treated: click.


Typical water restrictions from years past are as noted on this linked document.  Please read the details of any warning sign (click: example from years past) posted on your pier or shoreline for most current information and recommended restrictions on the use of lake water and including some restrictions on swimming or use of lake water for irrigation, where posted.


Please remember not all of the lake will be treated.  The contractor treats where the invasive plants were observed during a survey of the lake, which took place earlier this month.  Typically the areas treated are shallower areas near shallow water shorelines.  Again, our contractor applying the weed treatment posts signs on piers or shoreline where treatment occurred.



Rory Leyden

President, MLAA


 Your MLAA dues pay for the weed treatment.  (Posted 6/26/2024  9:30 a.m.   Updated 10:50 a.m. with photo of areas being treated.)



"Found" After the Storm

After the intense, short duration local storm that hit late last night, a number of things have been found on the north side of the lake.  If you are missing anything, check the Lost & Found tab at top of page.  (Posted: 6/18/2024)



MLAA Fishing & Hot Dogs

The June ist MLAA Fishing Tournament and hot dog get-together was a success.  Photos below.  Posted: 6/18/2024


Fish Tournament 


Fish tournament will be held on Saturday, June 1st on Moose Lake.  Friends and family of MLAA welcome.  For more details, click here.  (Posted 5/17/2024)



Moose Lake - Slow No-Wake


As of May 2nd, the Town of Merton has made an official measurement of the lake and posted Slow, No-Wake restrictions on Moose Lake.  This is related to the Town's odinance on the matter.  (Posted 5/4/2024)  (Updated w/photo: 5/17/24)



Spring Membership Meeting


The Moose Lake Advancement Association Spring Membership meeting will be held

     Wed. June 12th 6:30 p.m.

     Stone Bank School 


(Posted: 5/4/2024)



Lost & Found

Found: Swim Mat and Dock support.  See "Lost & Found" (top header menu) for details. (Posted 4/18/2024).





The 7th Annual Moose Lake Winter Jamboree will be held on Saturday, February 10th with an ice fishing contest, chili contest, bonfire and camaraderie for all. Fishing contest will be early morning to noon.  Register for fishing tournament prior to 10:00 a.m. by texting Mark Olson (number in flyer).  Have your chili entry there by noon.  For more details see FLYER that you can share. (Posted: 12/26/2023).


Photos From Jamboree

(Rearranged 6/18/2024)





The election for Directors and Officers of the MLAA will occur at the Fall Membership Meeting on November 6th at 6:30 pm at Stone Bank School.  2023 MLAA members can vote in the election - one vote per membership.  The current slate of candidates is as follows, (unless there are any other declared candidates 20+ days prior to the election).  This is the final call for candidates.


Click on name for available profile.  (Profiles are from 2022 and do not typically include their last year of service on the MLAA board).


     President:  Rory Leyden

     VP:             Hilarie Puestow

     Secretary:  Yvonne Lindl

     Treasurer:  Tom Kielma

     Directors:   Sue LaabsBob MikulecGery Sawall, Lynn Leidel, Tammy Gallagher


Meeting agenda here.

Spring MLAA (preliminary) meeting minutes here

Treasurer's report here.         


(Posted: 10/4/2023)  (Updated: 10/23/2023 - Deleted Strigenz, added Leidel - Final list of candidates).  (Updated: 10/27/2023 - add agenda, prior minutes and Treasurer's report)



Fall Member Meeting Nov 6th


The MLAA fall meeting will be held at Stone Bank School on Monday Nov 6th at 6:30pm.  If you are interested in running for office please contact one of the current Board members.  (Posted 9/7/2023)   



Picnic Photos


MLAA Picnic - Aug 27th - Details!


The 2nd Annual Moose Lake Advancement Association Picnic will be held Sunday, August 27th.  Starts at 3:00 pm (4:30 pm food served).  Will include games for kids and adults, prizes.  $5 adults, $3 children (pay at event).  Located on the old Hasslinger Resort meadow.


Grilled burgers and hot dogs provided.


Please bring your own beverages, chair and a dish to share (families with last name starting A-K bring dessert, L-Z bring fruit/salad/side type dish).


Click here for a full postable flyer, including location maps and a list of MLAA Social Committee members.  (Posted 8/12/2023)



MLAA Picnic - Save The Date - CHANGED to Aug 27th


Save the date for the MLAA picnic to be held Saturday, August 26th starting at 3 pm.  More details coming soon. (Posted 8/3/23) (Updted: 8/10/23)


Moose Lake Boat Tie-up & Lake Scavenger Hunt 


Join in the fun! Our annual Moose Lake Boat Tie Up is fast approaching!


When: Sunday, July 23rd from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
What: Bring your own food and beverage.
Where: Middle of the lake—look for the boat with the colorful flag


Scavenger Hunt the morning of boat tie-up - details below
Rain Date for boat tie-up and scavenger hunt: Sunday, July 30th

Scavenger Hunt:

For those interested in participating, please send an email to Mary Aprahamian using the form here by **Saturday, 7:00 pm, July  22nd** and we will email the scavenger hunt list to you the morning of July 23rd at approximately 9:00 a.m. You will then have from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. to complete the scavenger hunt questions and bring your answers to the tie up at 12:00 p.m  (Posted 7/20/2023)



Aquatic Weed Treatment - June

The MLAA contractor that does our lake weed spraying was reviewing the lake on June 14th.  We do not know the exact date of weed spraying, however when spraying is done, warning signs will be posted on piers and/or shore designating a nearby area that has been treated and we will attempt to get notification email out as soon as possible and post to Facebook.


Typical water restrictions from years past are as noted on this linked document.  Please read the details of any warning sign posted on your pier or shoreline for most current information.  


See Aquatic Plant Control questions and answers sheet for more information. Your MLAA dues pay for the weed treatment.  Posted (6/14/2023)


High Water and June Meeting  

From Rory Leyden - Our Wisconsin Spring, with all of its fits and starts is here as evidenced by the installation of piers on Moose Lake.   As I’m sure most of you are aware we are currently under “No Wake” provisions with our current water levels approximately 3.5” above the threshold.  


Our Spring/Summer Meeting will be held on Tuesday June13th, 6:30pm at Stone Bank School and we will update you at that time with any discussions that have taken place with the Town regarding our high water situation.  (Posted: 5/8/2023)



Moose Lake Buoy Team


From Bob Mikulec - Thanks for volunteering to "adopt" a buoy.  Collectively we pulled and stored all the buoys and it is, or soon will be, time to re-install them.  
I ask that you make best efforts to install your buoy(s) by Memorial Day.  I realize a few of you will not make this goal.  
Although the lake level is high and we are in a "slow / no wake" mode, we can quickly move back into a "wake" mode given a few dry weeks.  So plan on installing your buoy(s).  
1) I don't have an accurate record of who actually possesses each buoy. Can each of you send me an email note with your name and buoy number(s)? 
2) Please advise if you are having problems with your buoy(s), such as sinking or inability to float upright, or if you are unable to find your tether line or need a new marker buoy.
3) Please advise if you are unable to install by Memorial Day or shortly thereafter.  
For good info on buoy care and installation and numbering, click here.


Thanks for your service to the Moose Lake community and for helping to keep the lake safe.   (Posted: 5/8/2023)



Invasive Aquatic Weed Treatment


A DNR Invasive Aquatic Weed (Eurasian milfoil) Treatment permit application has been forwarded to the DNR for Moose Lake for 2023 with spraying planned for the later part of June.  More details on date will be posted when available later in June.  All treated areas will be posted with warnings.


See Aquatic Plant Control questions and answers sheet for more information. Your MLAA dues pay for the weed treatment.   (Posted: 5/8/2023)





Moose Lake Winter Jamboree 2023


The Winter Jamboree is just nine days away.  The 6th Annual Moose Lake Winter Jamboree will be held on Saturday, January 28th with an ice fishing contest, chili contest, bonfire and camaraderie for all. Fishing contest will be early morning to noon.  Register for fishing tournament prior to 10:00 a.m. at marked registration booth southeast bay of Moose Lake.  Have your chili entry there by noon.  For more details see FLYER that you can share. (Posted: 12/29/2022) (Updated: 2022)




Town of Merton Lake Ordinance Changes 


On January 9th the Town of Merton Board met and updated the Moose Lake ordinance regarding Wake/No Wake Hours.  After reviewing the survey provided by the MLAA and surveying non-Moose Lake residents the Board unanimously voted to update the Wake/No Wake Hours as follows:

                                           Wake Hours

             Monday-Friday                    9am – Sunset
             Saturday                            9am – 6pm
             Sun & Legal Holidays           9am – 12 NOON and 4pm – 6pm


                                          No Wake Hours 

             Monday-Friday                     After Sunset
             Daily                                   Before 9am
             After 6pm                            Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays
             12 Noon – 4pm                    Sunday and Legal Holidays

The above essentially returns the Wake/No Wake hours to how they had been for at least the last 25 years.  The only noticeable change is that Wake/No Wake hours are now completely aligned with Towing hours.  Previously there had been some minor differences between the two.  A full copy of the Town of Merton Moose Lake Ordinance 20-05 can be found here.  While no decision the Town Board could make regarding this issue would satisfy all Moose Lake residents and users of the lake, a return to past practices does satisfy the preferences indicated in the MLAA survey.   (Posted 1/12/2023)



2023 MLAA Membership Renewal

The 2023 membership renewal notices/new member invites will be going out to all lake property owners via US mail in early January.  Why snail mail?  We don’t have everybody’s email address and we believe a better response likely if we can get the renewal notice on your “bill pay pile” (if you still have a paper bill pay pile).  We would ask that you return your memberships to our new treasurer, Tom Kielma, by February 14th.   If you need a membership form, click here.  


We will mail to the US mailing address that is listed with the county for tax billing for each property.  Although we have some alternate addresses for some of you, we aren’t certain that is where’re you are now, and therefore will send them to your tax billing address.  If for any reason you do not receive membership info by January 15th, send a message via our contact form on web site.


MLAA dues are used primarily to pay for the cost of invasive aquatic plant control on the lake each year, which includes the cost of a DNR permit and to pay a firm with a licensed biologist to apply the chemical treatment in early summer.  Dues also support things like the Moose Lake Jamboree which includes Ice Fishing and Chili Cook-off and neighborly get-together. We continue working towards a long term solution to high water on Moose Lake. These efforts benefit all on the lake and the public. (Posted: 12/29/2022)

New MLAA Board

Per the election at our MLAA membership meeting in September, the new MLAA Board takes over as of January 1st.  Please welcome the new board as follows:

    President:        Rory Leyden
    Vice-president: Hilarie Puestow
    Secretary:       Yvonne Lindl
    Treasurer:       Tom Kielma
    Directors:        Sue Laabs, Gery Sawall, Kyle Strigenz, Bob Mikulec, Laurie Flatt


Please welcome the new board and say thank you to outgoing board members for their service:  Greg O'Hearn, Charlie Harkins, Dave Hartleip and Gerry Dolphin.

(Posted: 12/29/2022)





Fall MLAA Picnic

Yes it's almost January, but it is good to note we had a fun Moose Lake neighborhood picnic on Saturday, September 10th.  We had games, fun, good food and good conversation and connection with neighbors.  We had about 60 folks in attendance.  For even more photos, click here and here.  (Posted: 12/29/2022)







































2022 Moose Lake Survey Results

The Moose Lake survey results have been compiled and and can be seen here.  Eighty-nine of 120 lake property owners (74%) responded.  (Posted 10/2/2022)


2022 Moose Lake Survey

The Moose Lake Advancement Association is in the process of conducting (and has paid the cost of) a survey of all lake property owners.  The survey was mailed out August 23rd.  Answering that survey provides you with the opportunity to express your viewpoint as to how you think ordinances should be on the lake as related to wake/no-wake and towing.  The MLAA board will take that survey into account before considering any proposed action, if any.  PLEASE MAIL IN YOUR SURVEY RESULTS (now) before the deadline of September 25th.  Please utilize the addressed and stamped envelope mailed to you along with the second envelope (to go in return mailing envelope) for your anonymous survey response.   We will hold all responses until September 25th and verify one survey response per property, then open mailing envelopes and mix the anonymous internal survey response envelopes before opening and tallying survey responses.  (Posted 9/10/2022)


MLAA Election Results

The Moose Lake Advancement Association Member Meeting was held September 7th.  Results of the election are below:

         Current through 12/31/22        Newly Elected - Term Calendar Year 2023

     President:         Greg O'Hearn           Rory Leyden

     Vice-president: Charlie Harkins         Hilarie Puestow

     Secretary:         Kyle Strigenz            Yvonne Lindl

     Treasurer:         Sue Laabs                Tom Kielma


     Director:           Gerry Dolphin           Sue Laabs

     Director:           Dave Hartliep           Laurie Flatt

     Director:           Bob Mikulec             Bob Mikulec

     Director:           Gery Sawall             Gery Sawall

     Director:           Kyle Strigenz            Kyle Strigenz

(Posted 9/10/2022)


MLAA Fall Election - Candidates

The election for Directors and Officers of the MLAA will occur at the Fall Membership Meeting on September 7th at 6:15 pm (Stone Bank Park shelter).  2022 MLAA members can vote in the election - one vote per membership.  The current FINAL slate of candiates is as follows:

Click on name for available profile.


     President:  two running for one position: Dan Hickey,  Rory Leyden

     VP:             Hilarie Puestow

     Secretary:  Yvonne Lindl

     Treasurer:  Tom Kielma

     Directors -  seven running for five positions:  Gerry Dolphin, Dave Hartleip, Laurie Flatt, Sue Laabs, Bob Mikulec, Gery Sawall, Kyle Strigenz


Closing date for candidates was August 18th.  


A link to absentee ballot and directions for same is here.


Agenda for meeting here.   Treasurer's report here.


(Posted 8/5/2022) (Updated with final candidates and 9 profiles 8/19/22) (Updated with absentee ballot and 1 profile 8/20/22) (Meeting agenda added 8/21/22) (Added one candidate profile 8/22/2022) (Added one candidate profile 9/1/2022)  (Added Treasurer's report link 9/3/2022)



It's not hard to "adopt-a-buoy" near your property.  See details here.  (Posted 8/23/22)




The Town recently changed the rules sign at the boat launch to not allow towing hours 4-6 pm on Sunday and holidays apparently after being alerted to a discrepancy between the Town’s 1998 ordinance on the books and the rules posted at the launch site.  The Town’s ordinance can be found here (scroll down to 20.05 Moose Lake, and then scroll down further to the water skiing and towing table).


There is reason to believe there were different versions of the proposed ordinance change in 1998 that were transmitted to the DNR for approval and may be the source of the discrepancy for the last 24 years.  (Posted 7/31/2022)



The MLAA Social Committe invites you to join your neighbors for our annual Pontoon Tie-Up Party. Bring your family and friends to the south end of the lake to tie up. (IF you have a ski boat/runabout please position it at ONE END of the boat line to facilitate easy movement between the pontoon boats, OR, call a neighbor and ask to go out on THEIR pontoon boat.) 

    Boat Tie-Up Sunday, July 24th, Noon - 4:00 pm
    •    Bring a dish/appetizer to share. Provide your own beverages.
    •    Lake toys, inner tubes, snorkels, bullfrog mattresses, etc. are encouraged.
    •    Olson's to supply extra "potty run" motor boat
        Come for all or part of the afternoon.  No sign-up necessary.
   Raindate July 31st.  (Posted: 7/2/2022 - Updated 7/19/2022)


Planning Some Fun

  Picnic and Games - Save the Date - Saturday, September 10th
    Picnic and games.  More details as they are finalized. 
        Save the date.   (Posted: 7/2/2022) 


MLAA Fall member meeting & Elections

Fall board elections will be held at the September MLAA membership meeting on Wednesday, September 7th.  Starting at 6:15 pm.  An agenda will be posted on this web site prior to the meeting.  There will be an opening on the board.  Consider how your skills and leadership could help guide the MLAA.  Contact any board member for more details.  (Posted: 7/2/2022)  (Updated: 7/19/2022)


Invasive Weed Spraying


An inspection earlier in June of the lake by our biologist found limited invasive milfoil inon Wednesday, Sept  the lake this year. That was followed up by the DNR inspection which found little milfoil.  HOWEVER, in the last two weeks, the milfoil is prolific again, due to finally warmer waters.  So, when will the invasive milfoil be sprayed?... NOT THIS SUMMER.  The DNR has an absolute no spray rule after July 1st.  In talking with our lake biologist, he says the DNR will not waiver on that date, even though the cool water Spring slowed the initial invasive milfoil growth.  He says that other lakes are in the same predicament.


MLAA will get most of our DNR application fee refunded.  We have paid for a public notice newspaper advertisement related to the DNR permit application.  


Note: you can pull invasive milfoil yourself if desired.  Just make sure not to leave any part of the milfoil in the lake, as it can root itself and spread. (Posted 7/2/2022)




"FREE To A Good Home" - Pontoon Raft - [No Longer Available] (Updated 7/3/2022)


See what can happen when you check out the MLAA web site from time to time... if you have been thinking about a swim raft in front of your place, Russ & Penny Pagels have an Aqua Float swim raft they are ready to part with - Free.  Use MLAA contact page here... and your inquiry will be passed along to them in the order of receipt.  (We don't typically include email or phone numbers directly on web site to avoid spam contacting).  (Posted 6/17/2022, 10:30 a.m.)


What is the Lake Elevation Now Compared to 2021? 

We had a drought in 2021 and the lake level dropped a total of 14-1/8" between April 15 - November 10, 2021. Where are we starting in 2022?  See the graph below (blue line) for 2021 lake elevations and orange dots for the beginning of 2022 (same month/day dates) in 2022.  If you remember your boat lift "getting into shallow water" last year around a certain date, you can compare last year's lake elevation at that time compared to now.  Elevation is in ft on the graph. (Posted 4/11/2022)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Updated 6/17/2022)
















MLAA Spring Meeting - June 7th

The Spring membership meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stone Bank Community Park pavillion. Agenda and Fall meetings minutes will be posted later. (Posted 3/31/2022) (Update 5/24/2022: Include minutes and agenda).


Canada Geese

Gerry Dolphin, a property owner on Moose Lake is applying for a DNR Canada Goose Depredation Permit.  The MLAA is posting this information as a communication tool regarding his effort.  Gerry asks for your help in locating nests and your approval to access your lake frontage if there is a nest. If you want to support this effort, please contact Gerry via text at 262-966-4999 or e-mail at
For more details, see the Spring, 2021 Canada Geese posting on 3/2/2021 (scroll below).  (This posting: 3/31/2022)



Moose Lake Jamboree - Report on the Fun (2022 photos)

Yep, it was a "chilly" Saturday in February, however, 50 of your lake friends and neighbors had a great time watching the kids skate on the official Jamboree ice rink, tell fish stories, sample 9 great chili's and other assorted snacks and refreshments, and huddled around a roaring bonfire.  We had winners for Best Chili (Eric & Obi Anderson; runner up: Jan Mikulec) and ice fishing contest winners for Biggest Fish - Adult and Biggest Fish - Youth.  A few photos below and a BUNCH more here.  Much thanks to Mark and Mary Olson for hosting and Benny for the ice rink and bonfire and everyone else who helped out. (Posted 3/31/2022)








































Moose Lake Jamboree (2021 photo)











Reserve a few hours on your calendar mid-day 11:00+ a.m. on Saturday, Feb 12th.  The Jamboree is for everyone: neighbors, friends, adults and kids.  We have an ice fishing contest, chili cook-off and bonfire.  Come and enjoy conversation with your neighbors and sign up for ice-fishing contest, enter the chili contest, be a chili taster, bring a treat or enjoy the bonfire and conversation with your neighbors along with delicious chili and treats.  More details here.  (Posted 1/20/2022)


2022 MLAA Membership Renewal

The 2022 membership renewal notices/new member invites went out to all lake property owners via US mail this week.  Why snail mail?  We don’t have everybody’s email address and we believe a better response likely if we can get the renewal notice on your “bill pay pile” (if you still have a paper bill pay pile).  We would ask that you return your memberships by February 14th.   If you need a membership form, click here.


We mailed to the US mailing address that is listed with the county for tax billing for each property.  Although we have some alternate addresses for some of you, we aren’t certain that is where’re you are now, and therefore sent them to your tax billing address.  If for any reason you do not receive membership info by next week, send  message via our contact form.


MLAA dues are used primarily to pay for the cost of invasive aquatic plant control on the lake each year, which includes the cost of a DNR permit and to pay a firm with a licensed biologist to apply the chemical treatment in early summer.  We are continue working towards a long term solution to high water on Moose Lake.  The DNR is reviewing a High Water Level Action Request form submitted by the MLAA on Oct 8th on behalf of the Town of Merton.  Dues also support things like the Moose Lake Jamboree which includes Ice Fishing and Chili Cook-off and neighborly get-together.  These efforts benefit all on the lake and the public. (Posted: 1/20/2022)


LOST - Raft Barrels

Check out under Lost & Found tab at top.  (Posted 1/12/2022)







Movie Night on the Beach

Save the date:  Saturday, September 25th.  Click for more details.  (Posted 8/30/2021)



Moose Lake Boat Tie-Up

Don't let the Summer end yet!! Grab your cooler, pack some appetizers and invite your friends to "tie-up" with other boats on Moose Lake on Sept. 4th!
We will gather in the southern/central end of the lake at 6:00 p.m. (Posted: 8/25/2021)



Fall Membership Meeting 2021

The Moose Lake Advancement Association Fall Membership meeting will be held

     Wed. Sept 15th, 6:30 p.m.

     Stone Bank Commnity Park open air pavilion

     Park located just south of the Stone Bank Fire Station on Stone Bank Rd.


     Election of Officers and Directors for calendar year 2022 will be held at this meeting.  The current slate of Officers and Directors are all running for re-election. 

     Here is the agenda and (preliminary) minutes from the June membership meeting as well as the Treasurer's report .

      (Posted: 8/23/2021, Updated 8/30/2021 with agenda and prelim minutes, Updated August 31, 2021 with Treasurer's report).



DONE - Aquatic Weed Treatment - June 25th

The amount of weed spraying was limited this year due to limited observation of Eurasian water milfoil (good).  Areas shown in red on linked map were treated on June 25th.  For water restrictions, see article below.  Posted (6/26/2021)



Notification: Invasive Aquatic Weed Treatment Tentatively Scheduled for Friday June 25th.

Treatment is scheduled for June 25th (subject to weather) and based on a recent visual survey of Eurasian water milfoil, treatment will be limited to the boat launch and spot treatment along the east shore.  All treated areas will be posted with warnings.  We will update info on this web site if schedule changes.  See Aquatic Plant Control questions and answers sheet for more information. Your MLAA dues pay for the weed treatment.  (Posted 6/23/2021, 9:00 am.  Updated 6/24/2021, 10:45 am)



Notice Fall Election - Call For Candidates 

The MLAA will be holding a Fall Election for nine board members at the Fall membership meeting (tentative date of September 15, 2021). Our board elections are now in the fall of the year with one year terms commencing Jan 1st.  A full board consists of nine Directors of which four are officers. We currently have nine Directors.  All of the current board has indicated they will run for re-election.  You may run for any position.  Please contact any board member if you are interested in running for a position. Voting policy can be found here.  (Posted: 6/22/2021)



Letter From Town of Merton Attorney to All MLAA Members

Click link for letter. (Posted 6/2/2021)



Town of Merton Board Meeting - Moose Lake Agenda Items

Please note the following agenda items on the Town of Merton Board Meeting for Monday, May 24th at 6:30 pm:

           Requests for Moose Lake

              A. Discussion on Request from Moose Lake Silent Sports Association on Ordinance Changes.

              B. Discussion on Moose Lake Association’s Request for the Town of Merton to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Moose Lake Association. 

The full agenda can be found here.  (Posted 5/20/2021)



MLAA Spring Meeting - June 1st

The Spring membership meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stone Bank Community Park.  We will meet in the larger south band pavilion. Agenda here.  Fall 2020 minutes here.  (Posted 5/1/2021) (Updated 5/19/2021 added agenda & minutes)



Slow No Wake Restriction Removed

Late last week we measured the lake elevation and found it to be below the "No Wake" ordinance level and notified the Town of Merton to do an official measurement and remove the No Wake signs.  That was completed early this mornining, Monday, May 17th.  This is the first time in five years that this restriction has been off.


Please, Safety First.  Please review the ordinances for Moose Lake.  Even though not all the marker buoys may be up yet, there is a "shore zone" 125 ft from shore that is slow no wake and swim area designation.  Note per ordinance and for safety, swimming outside the "shore zone" requires a boat nearby the swimmer.  A reminder, there is slow no wake "quiet time" from noon to 4 pm on Sundays and legal holidays.  (Posted 5/17/2021, updated 5/18/21 - w/photo)














Moose Lake Announcements (May 1st)

The following is going to all MLAA members, as well and non-members on Moose Lake either via email per our records, or US Mail if we do not have an email associated with a property.  It is also being posted here on the MLAA web site.
    Invasive Aquatic Plant Control - In accordance with the DNR requirements we are providing notification to property owners on Moose Lake that an application has been made to the DNR to apply herbicide per DNR regulations to mitigate invasive Eurasian Milfoil in Moose Lake in a maximum of 13.8 acres for the 2021 season.  A copy of the notification published in the Lake Country Now on April 8th can be found on the MLAA web site.  
A copy of this application detailing the areas to be treated is available for your review at MLAA Website:   Any questions that you may have can be directed to the Moose Lake Advancement Association, c/o Kevin Laabs, MLAA Water Quality Chair, W329 N6549 Forest Dr. Hartland, WI 53029 and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 141 NW Barstow St., Rm. 180, Waukesha, WI  53188.


    Payment for Invasive Aquatic Plant Control
The costs associated with this effort are of consequence.  The permit application is $370.  The cost for the chemicals and professionally applying the herbicide typically runs about $4,000 to $5,000, the total of which averages to about $44 per property-parcel on the lake.  If you are not a Moose Lake Advancement Association member, consider becoming a member.  (Form here.)  Annual dues are $45 (per property).  If you are not a member, consider making a donation to MLAA. The main expense of MLAA is this annual treatment.  


    Non-Member Contact Info
If you are receiving this via US mail, could you help us out and provide us with your email address, so when we are required to contact all lake property owners as part of an Invasive Aquatic Plant Control Application, we can notify you by email.  It would be much appreciated.  Send a note to  Thanks.

(Posted: 5/1/2021)



Canada Geese

Gerry Dolphin, a property owner on Moose Lake is applying for a DNR Canada Goose Depredation Permit.  The MLAA is posting this information as a communication tool regarding his effort.  If you want to support this effort, please contact Gerry.

Hello fellow Moose Lake residents. Are you tired of goose droppings on your dock, raft or in your yard?  Have you tried different solutions with little to no success?
While most of us enjoy seeing and hearing birds, the numbers of Canada geese in our area can really be a nuisance.   


Residents of other local lakes have employed a DNR-approved method of interfering with the nests of Canada geese. All nests can’t be found, so the population should be reduced and not eliminated.  
Gerry Dolphin will be applying for a goose depredation permit with the DNR to cut down on the number of geese on the lake.  If you are in support of this plan, he asks for your help in locating nests and your approval to access your lake frontage if there is a nest.
To let Gerry know if there is a nest on your shore and if it is OK to access the nest, please text him 262 966 4999 or e-mail Gerry at
to report a nest.   
(Posted 3/2/2021)


How Did the Fishing Jamboree and Chili Cook-Off Go?

There were about 30-35 folks in attendance.  Everyone had seven chili entries to savor with the choice to wash it down with coffee, hot cocoa and individually wrapped home made deserts.  Bennie Byrson and Bob Mikulec hauled firewood for a roaring warmng fire all held at Mark and Mary Olson's on the southeast bay  of very frozen Moose Lake.


The winner of the longest fish - adult category was Mark Brendemeuhl with a fat 32" northern pike.  The winner of longest fish - youth was Luke Brannan with a 22"(?) northern pike. Dan Kolo won the fist place in the chili contest.


Thanks to the chili chefs, dessert makers and Mark and Mary and all their helpers in making this a successful lake get-together.

A few photos below, and many, many more on Facebook, here.  (Posted 2/12/2021)














MLAA Fishing Jamboree and Chili Cook-Off - Saturday – January 30, 2021

Neighbors and friends are invited to join the fun at our Annual Winter event! 

Yep – Socially Distanced.

You don’t even have to fish – just come & enjoy your neighbors!


For the Chili Cook-off we looking to find a volunteer to do a bit of organizing and set-up,

contact Greg to volunteer

Tournament Sign-in and Chili tasting location:

East shore of Moose Lake in southeast bay at Mary & Mark Olson’s home.

Fishing tournament dawn to noon. Be sure to register between 8:00 & 9:00 a.m. at Olson’s shore.

$4.00 registration fee for adults, and free for their kids age 12 and under.

Contest closes at 12:00 p.m. Awards for longest fish adults and longest fish children. Trophies presented 12:30 p.m.

Please make sure you have a valid fishing license.


Drop off your chili (in crock pot) by    12:00 noon.  

Tasting and voting on best chili to follow.

People's Choice winner announced 12:30 p.m.

Cooks, bring your own serving ladle and trimmings.

Desserts are also welcomed!


Coffee and hot chocolate provided. 

For a full flyer of information, click here.  (Posted:  1/23/2021)



2021 Membership Renewal

MLAA 2021 membership renewal dues are now due for the calendar year.  See the membereship renewal form that was recently US mailed to you.  Last year we were in transition from Spring to Spring membership to a calendar year of Jan 1 to Dec 31 for 2021.  Annual dues are $45 per lake property ownership that want to join and support the work of MLAA.  Please submit to Sue Laabs our treasurer by a target date of Feb 14th.  Her address is on the membership form sent to you (a copy which is found here).  Note MLAA is now a is a Federal tax exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your dues and donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.


MLAA dues are used primarily to pay for the cost of invasive aquatic plant control on the lake each year, which includes the cost of a DNR permit and to pay a firm with a licensed biologist to apply the chemical treatment in early summer.  We are also working on high water issue on the lake. Dues also support things like the Ice Fishing Jamboree and Chili Cook-off. These efforts benefit all on the lake and the public. (Posted 1/23/2021)



Update on High Water Solution

Here is an update on the ongoing discussions with some members of the Town Board regarding any project to provide relief from flooding on Moose Lake. The Town communicated directly with the DNR about whether the DNR would have any outright objections to any project that might involve putting any of our water into the Oconomowoc River watershed.  The DNR representative had some suggestions to help move any project along, including some work that the DNR would have to do such as looking into invasive species. They said there would have to be engineering calculations done to look at the impact on the dam, and the potential impact on the levels of Okauchee Lake, etc.  We are now trying to determine, with the Town, the best ways to handle and the sequence and timing.  (Posted 1/23/2021)






Fall Membership Meeting 2020

The Moose Lake Advancement Association Fall Membership meeting will be held

     Wed. Sept 23rd, 6:30 p.m.

     Stone Bank Commnity Park open air pavilion

     Park located just south of the Stone Bank Fire Station on Stone Bank Rd.


Election of Officers and Directors for calendar year 2021 will be held at this meeting.  The current slate of Officers and Directors are all running for re-election. 

Here is agenda, and (preliminary) minutes from the June membership meeting.  Treasurer report will be posted in the next few days.

(Posted: 9/9/2020) (Updated - added linked items: 9/10/2020 + Treasurer report 9/12/2020)



Lake Survey Results

Here are the lake property owners survey (of July/August) results handled by the accounting firm of Andaloro, Smith and Krueger:
    102 surveys returned out of a possible 121 = 84% response rate.


    Question 1: 81 of 102 =   80%  in favor of a fix
    Question 2: 75 of 98   =  77%   willing to pay  (4 did not reply to this question).
    Question 3: 80 of 102 =   80%  provided a specific dollar amount or range (including $0)
                     20 of 102 =   20%  indicated $0 or N/A
                     Total amount respondents indicated willing to contribute: $233,100 to $291,600. 

                     (9 – left blank, 6 – answered “?”, 2 - answered “Not sure”, 2 – answered “N/A”, 1 – answered “Whatever it takes”)

    (Posted:  8/24/2020)



Complete Piers Exiting Moose Lake After Spring 2021

If this affects you, more information can be found here

(Posted 8/24/2020)



Notice Fall Election - Call For Candidates 

The MLAA will be holding a Fall Election for nine board memebers at the Fall membership meeting (September, 2020 date to be determined). This begins the new calendar year term for the board (Jan 1 - Dec 31).  Election of the new board (and subsequent boards) will be in the Fall of the year with terms commencing Jan 1st.  A full board consists of nine Directors of which four are officers. We currently have nine Directors.  All of the current board has indicated they will run for re-election.  You may run for any position.  Please contact any board member if you are interested in running for a position. Voting policy can be found here.  (Posted: 8/17/2020)



Moose Lake Survey - 2nd Mailing

A second survey mailing is going out to those Moose Lake property owners that have not returned a survey as of yesterday.  Deadline for return is August 13th. (Posted 7/29/20)



Life Preservers Found

See under Lost & Found.  (Posted 7/29/2020)



All Moose Lake Property Owners Meeting - Minutes

Here are the notes/minutes from the June 22, 2020 all Moose Lake Property Owners meeting. (Posted 7/21/2020)



Moose Lake Survey - Mailed

The Moose Lake Advancement Association has contracted with the accounting firm of Andaloro, Smith & Krueger to mail out a survey about high water and flooding on Moose Lake to all lake property owners and to confidentially receive each returned survey.  Andaloro, Smith & Krueger US postal mailed the survey on Monday, July 6th Please fill out and return your survey prior to the stated deadlin of July 27th.  Andaloro, Smith & Krueger will tally the results in summary (anonymous) fashion and send the results directly to the Town of Merton Board with a copy to the MLAA board.  No personally identifiable information such as name, address nor Tax ID will be included in the summary results.  (Posted: 7/8/20)



Weed Treatment Update

Post treatment report from Mark Olson:  Things went well.  This year, there was a greater length of shoreline treated than last year due to milfoil groups found in closer to shore like I mentioned at MLAA meeting.  Interesting to note Brian the biologist measured the milfoil growing at 1ft in a week!  Likely because the water has really warmed up and lots of sun.


Mark is retiring from chairing the the water quality efforts on Moose Lake.  We invite any person that wants to channel their energy around water qality to take over where Mark left off.  Mark is willing to mentor the new person.  Contact any board member as to your interest. 


Thank you Mark for your years of service.

(Posted: 7/8/20)



Notification: Invasive Aquatic Weed Treatment Going Ahead Today - June 23rd.

Treatment is starting as early as 9:00 a.m. today.  See Aquatic Plant Control questions and answers sheet for more information. Your MLAA dues pay for the weed spraying.  (Posted 6/23/2020, 8:05 am; photo posted 11:30 am)









Info for Monday Meetings - June 22nd

See "MLAA Spring Meeting and All Moose Lake Owners Meeting" post below. Info for meeting:

  • Begin 6:30 pm - Stone Bank Comunity Park
  • Agenda for MLAA meeting
  • Unapproved minutes of Sept, 2019 MLAA membership meeting
  • June 20, 2020 MLAA Financal Report
  • Stay healthy: Please use normal social distance practices.  You are encouraged to bring and wear a mask. Please bring your own pen to sign in.
  • Reminder to MLAA folks to pay dues ($30 through end of calendar year).
  • If you are not going to meeting, send questions to

        (Posted: 6/21/2020, 4:00 pm)



Invasive Aquatic Plant Spraying Tuesday June 23rd (or later)

We have approved DNR permit for Moose Lake.  The biologist surveyed the lake last week.  The biologist asked for June 23rd as the date for application but has not heard back yet from the DNR.  Expect invasive aquatic plant spraying to occur June 23rd or later. Yellow water use restriction notices will be posted close to sprayed areas.  Check here for any updates.  See Aquatic Plant Control questions and answers sheet for more information. Your MLAA dues pay for the weed spraying.  (Posted 6/20/2020)



MLAA Spring Meeting and All Moose Lake Owners Meeting  (Posted 6/10/2020)

Two meetings related to Moose Lake will take place at the Stone Bank Community Park, behind the Fire Department at W335 N7107 Stone Bank Rd. at the east (short) pavilion, on Monday, June 22, 2020:


      6:30 pm – All Moose Lake Property Owners Meeting
As a Moose Lake property owner, you are invited to attend a meeting about the status of high water and flooding on Moose Lake and about an upcoming survey   to be US postal mailed to all Moose Lake property owners utilizing the accounting firm of Andaloro, Smith & Krueger of Waukesha.  Your survey responses will go directly and confidentially to the accounting firm via pre-addressed envelope and will be tallied (without individual identification) and results sent directly to the Merton Town Board and MLAA Board.  Individual surveys will be destroyed by the accounting firm after 60 days.


The survey will be mailed to the most current postal address we have for you in this priority: 

     1) per postal address you request at this meeting,

     2) [Revised 6/21/2020 committee decided to stick primarily with County tax record address, NOT: "or per postal address we have with your MLAA membership"]

     3) or per mailing address on file with County tax records for your property.


MORE DETAILS including timing of the survey mailing can be found (when available) on the front page of this MLAA web site.  

See below regarding health safety and this meeting.

      7:30 pm – Moose Lake Advancement Association Spring Meeting
The Moose Lake Advancement Association will hold its spring meeting.  The meeting agenda can be found here. Specific reports related to the annual meeting will be published and made available ONLY on the web site a few days before the meeting.  You are encouraged to read and print the reports of interest.  The agenda and reports will NOT be handed out at the meeting.


You as an MLA member are encouraged to attend the All Moose Lake property owners meeting at 6:30 pm (noted above) for important information.

You are encouraged to pay your MLAA membership dues at (and preferably prior to) the meeting.  Dues are $30 through end of 2020 only, as we are switching to a calendar year membership. Quick form with mailing info here.

      Elections of MLAA Officers and Directors is on the agenda of this meeting.  All current MLAA officers and directors are standing for election and are unopposed.  Note, Bob Mikulec was appointed by the board to fill the vacated seat of Nick Rakich.  A short bio of Bob can be found on the MLAA website.


See below regarding health safety at this meeting.

      Switching to Mail Chimp for Emailing
MLAA will be switching to the Mail Chimp email management service which will allow MLAA to more efficiently send out (limited) MLAA mailings.  YOU will be the maintainer of your own mailing address for MLAA through Mail Chimp. Information will be found at the bottom of future emails sent through Mail Chimp.  In the near future, as a MLAA member, you will get an invitation and/or confirmation email as to the use of your email address with the Mail Chimp service for MLAA mailings.

     Health Safety and the Meetings
These are open air meetings in an open air pavilion.  There are 10 large picnic tables reasonably spaced/distanced in the pavilion and there is room just outside the pavilion if you would care to bring your own chair to sit.  Please use normal social distance practices.  You are encouraged to bring and wear a mask.  (FYI - The acoustics are decent in and near the pavilion).

THIS web site will always have the most up-to-date information about MLAA.


Hope to see you at the meetings.

Greg O’Hearn
MLAA President




Bob Mikulec – New MLAA Board Member -

Hasslinger Drive (white dock and pumphouse)


My wife, Jay, and I are enjoying our ninth Summer on the lake.  We have two married daughters and two baby grandchildren. Jay and I enjoy hanging out on the dock and kayaking.  I paddle board with our dog, Wiley and also swim daily from May through October.  


I have a business development background and have worked for small and large companies including Johnson Controls and WE Energies.


My reason for joining the MLAA board is to offer assistance and bring a balanced perspective.  I believe we have a chronic and urgent high water problem in need of a solution.  The lake is seeping into our pumphouse which contains an irrigation pump, dock bubbler compressors, and kegerator.  Other properties have more serious problems.  Along with many others, I enjoy a quiet lake and would like to see that maintained while allowing time for tubers and water skiers.  I'd like to work toward a balanced "win-win" solution which maximizes lake enjoyment and property values.  (Posted 6/10/2020)



Slow No-Wake

Moose Lake is restricted to 'slow no-wake' when there is high water and the Town of Merton has posted Slow No-Wake signs at the boat launch.  The DNR boating manual defines 'slow-no-wake' as: the speed at which a boat moves as slowly as possible while still maintaining steerage control.  DNR boating manual can be found here.


The MLAA supports appropriate uses of Moose Lake.  Please know however that the MLAA does not have enforcement authority as related to Town of Merton ordinances nor DNR regulations.  If you observe something unreasonable or unlawful on the lake call the Waukesha County Sheriff Department's non-emergency number: 262-446-5070, unless there is an emergency event, dial 911.  (Posted 6/10/2020)



Lost - Large White Bouy

Check out under Lost & Found tab at top.  (Posted 5/17/20)



Excerpt - Town of Merton Town Board Minutes - Feb 10, 2020


Discussion on Moose Lake.  Greg O’Hearn, President of the Moose Lake Advancement Association presented a report on Elimination of Chronic Highwater Issues on Moose Lake by Restoration of a Drainage Outlet from Moose Lake.  He is asking the Town of Merton to establish a construction project to establish a long culvert to allow excess water to flow from Moose Lake on a new easement. The cost would $88,500 to $119,500 and the Town of Merton could levy a special assessment to the property owners of Moose Lake. 


Chairman Klink asked if the DNR has responded to the report,  O’Hearn stated that the DNR stated that Moose Lake Advancement Association has the right to ask for a solution to the Chronic Highwater Issue.   O’Hearn is planning on a doing a survey to the property owner to get input which had not been done yet.  Klink stated that the town has received many concerns from residents and ask the Moose Lake Advancement Lake to have meetings to get public input. 


Attorney Chapman asked if they are considering a Lake District which would have the same powers as the town.  O’Hearn does not want to create a Lake District. 


Herrick ask about how you would get eminent domain to get the Easement.  O’Hearn stated there would be a permit thru the county and that the town would have to negotiate with the one property owner to gain that easement for a negotiated price.  There are 116 property owners on the lake and there are 80 members in the Lake Association.  O’Hearn would need the Town of Merton to do the construction because the Association can not do the construction.  Klink stated that there is a lot of work that needs to be done by the Association.  O’Hearn stated that the Town of Merton could levy the cost of the project to the property owners.


Klink clarified that after the survey is sent out then the Association should have a meeting with the property owners to get all the input as the next step. (Full Feb 10th Town Minutes here). (Posted 5/18/2020)


Moose Lake Announcements - April 19th

The following is going to all MLAA members, as well and non-members on Moose Lake either via email per our records, or US Mail if we do not have an email associated with a property.  It is also being posted here on the MLAA web site.


    Invasive Aquatic Plant Control - In accordance with the DNR requirements we are providing notification to property owners on Moose Lake that an application has been made to the DNR to apply herbicide per DNR regulations to mitigate invasive Eurasian Milfoil in Moose Lake.  A copy of the notification published in the Lake Country Now on April 8th can be found on the MLAA web site.  (Corrected publication paper 4/29/2020). (Linked application 5/1/2020)


    MLAA Dues – Dues for 2020 (May through Dec 31, 2020) of $30 are due.  Please make use of the 2020 form, print out and mail in your dues to Sue Laabs.  Dues next year in 2021 will again be the normal $45 for the entire calendar year.  Dues in 2020 are being prorated because of switching from a May to May dues year to a calendar dues year.  If you are not a member and wish to join, please do so.  The  use of dues is to support lake efforts, most notably paying for invasive aquatic plant treatment each year, the web site, social activities, printing, postage and insurance.


   Emails for Communication – It is not an easy task to “simply send out an email to all MLAA members” for two primary reasons: 1) If we use a regular email account and send email with many addressees, it is easy to be tagged as a spammer and have all our MLAA email blocked, and 2) accurate email maintenance is a fair amount of work.  If we try to get an email to all lake property owners (efficient), it is not possible because we don’t have all the email addresses (and we may never have them all).  We currently are making use of a businesses’ bulk emailing application, however in order to maintain it, we have to manually update all the changed or new emails each time, and go through that business to send out an email.  We intend to utilize MailChimp, which is a respected bulk email application/service.  For our relatively low volume of email, it should be free.  We will load your email(s) into MailChimp once as a “new subscriber” to Moose Lake Advancement Association emailings, and from thereon out, YOU will confirm the email and then will be the maintainer of your own email and own subscription to MLAA email notifications.  You can stay opted in, or you can choose to opt out.  That will be under your control.  This will be much more efficient (and presumably accurate) for the MLAA in handling communication with you.  We will always place info out on the web site, as that is easy for most people to get to, and a good centralized history of communication.


    Slow-No-Wake - For those of you new to the lake, the lake has a slow no wake ordinance in effect during high water that we are currently experiencing.  This is posted by the Town of Merton at several locations at the boat launch.


    MLAA Before Town Board – Greg O’Hearn, President of MLAA made a presentation before the Town of Merton Board on February 10th as to how an overflow outlet pipe could be built for Moose Lake and paid for.  The response from the Board was the MLAA “had more work to do” without clearly indicating what that work entailed.


    MLAA Semi-Annual Meeting – We still don’t know when we will have the next semi-annual Moose Lake Advancement Association meeting.  Please pay attention to the MLAA web site at: .  It is the board’s intention to hold off on sending out a short survey about the lake (by US Mail handled by an accounting firm), until we can first meet and answer questions to all in attendance.  We will send out additional emails before any meetings.


    Boat Launch Signage – Mike Popp worked with the DNR in getting the damaged boat launch information signs repaired.  Thank you Mike Popp and thank you DNR.

(Above annouuncements posted 4/19/20)



Part of Pier Found

Check out under Lost & Found tab at top. Posted (3/25/2020)



CANCELLED -  MLAA Special Meeting - Saturday March 21st

UPDATE - 3/13/20: Our meeting venue has cancelled use of the meeting room and the board has decided to cancel the meeting and reschedule at a future date.

The MLAA Board of Directors HAS CANCELLED a Special Membership Meeting on Saturday, March 21st at 9:15 am that was to have been held at Stone Bank Elementary School.  The purpose of the meeting is to update members and other lake property owners on the status of a proposed overflow outlet pipe for Moose Lake, based on a recent meeting with the Town of Merton Board.  This meeting is open to all lake property owners and a notification email is being sent to all lake property owners for which we have an email address.

Additionally, the MLAA Board will provide information about an upcoming US mailed survey to be sent to all lake property owners inquiring as to their level of support for the overflow outlet pipe project.  Said survey to be mailed by, received and tabulated by an accounting firm and the results sent directly to the Town of Merton Board.  The survey will be mailed to the address on file with the County associated with the tax ID number the tax bill is sent to.  This will be sent out mid April.  More up to date details will be posted to the MLAA website.
The MLAA Board will answer questions at this meeting to the extent they are able.
Note, there is a thought to provide audio connection to this meeting for those that cannot attend, however those details are vague at this time and not guaranteed to occur.  Updates on this will be posted to the MLAA website (  (Posted 3/5/2020)


Notice Spring Election - Call For Candidates

The MLAA will be holding a Spring Election for nine board memebers at the Spring membership meeting (May, 2020 date to be determined).  A full board consists of nine Directors of which four are officers. We currently have eight Directors.  (A  board member, Nick Rakich recently resigned due to work constraints). All of the current board has indicated they will run for re-election.  There is a non-officer board position open. The term is from the Spring election to the end of 2020. You may run for any position.  Please contact any board member if you are interested in running for a position. Voting policy can be found here.  (Posted: 2/28/2020) (Updated: 3/5/2020)



Proposed By-Law Change

The MLAA Board is proposing a bylaw change that clarifies who can be elected to the board.  Details here.  (Posted: 2/28/2020)



Feb 27, 2020, 5:00 - 7:00 pm - Open House format Public Information Meeting - Hwy C Project at Hasslinger Dr

Waukesha County representatives will be at Chenequa Village Hall as noted above to answer questions on the proposed intersection improvements project. Link to announcement. (Updated with link: 2/25/2020)



Feb 10, 2020, 6:30 pm Town Board Meeting - Proposed High Water Overflow Pipe Solution

The Town of Merton has asked the Moose Lake Advancement Association (Greg O’Hearn, President) to do a presentation to the Town Board regarding the proposed High Water Overflow Pipe solution on the noted date and time at the Town Hall and to also post information about the meeting on this web site.  More background about the proposed solution can be found under the "Documents Tab" at "Lake Report."  (Posted 1/28/2020)


Message From the MLAA President - Unsolicited Lake Survey NOT By MLAA

You may have received correspondence from Mr. Hulbert in the US mail yesterday that included a lake survey.  This lake survey, including a clear advocacy agenda was neither solicited nor coordinated with your Moose Lake Advancement Association Board.  The Lake Survey was not sponsored nor paid for by the MLAA even though it was drafted in such a manner that may have led you to believe the survey came from the MLAA.


Based on input at the September 18, 2019 Moose Lake Advancement Association membership meeting, on September 19, 2020, I appointed a Boating Committee, comprised of six MLAA board members  to address concerns brought up by Mr. Hulbert at the Fall Membership Meeting and to report back to the full board with any recommendations by April 1, 2020 so the full board could take up the matter prior to the Spring 2020 Membership Meeting.  That Committee has met multiple times and is in the process of drafting a neutral questionnaire about use of the lake.  They are working out the details on when and how to conduct the survey.


If you have any questions or concerns on this or any other matter, please contact me or any board member.  Contact information can be found at this link (which is the “Contacts” link on the web site).


Greg O’Hearn
President Moose Lake Advancement Association
January 12, 2020


Moose Lake – A Lake For Everyone

(Posted 1/12/2020)






To Report Boating Issues on Lake

If you see a boating issue that needs law enforcement to address, call the Waukesha County Sherriff's non-emergency number at: 262.446.5070, unless serious emergency, call 9-1-1.

From MLAA Boating Issues Committee.  (Posted 10/15/2019)



Fall Membership Meeting - Sept 18th  (was held - prelim minutes, see Documents tab)

The Moose Lake Advancement Association Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 18th at 6:30 p.m. at Stone Bank School. There will be discussion and voting on changes to our corporate Articles of Incorporation to match our recent Bylaw updates voted on and approved at the Sept, 2018 Membership meeting. The Board will report on status regarding high water levels, 2019 weed treatment, desired social committee, finances and more. Note the proposed changes to the Articles of Incorporation will be posted below at a later date prior to the meeting for your review. 


Handouts for the meeting (print out for meeting, or simply open in your smartphone browser):

       (Originally Posted 8/28/19)      (Updated 9/8/2019)



Lake Report - Response From County

The Moose Lake Advancement Association received a response back from Waukesha County on the Lake Report submitted to them in June by MLAA.  The County's position is that they are not responsible for handling this and would not fund a project.  They indicated they have made inquiry to the DNR as to what procedurally would be necessary, permit-wise to do anything.  The County also said if MLAA funded a project that they would assist getting any project through the County's approval processes.


The MLAA Board will meet in the near future to deterrmine what might be an appropriate plan of action.  The MLAA Board will share their thoughts at the Fall MLAA Membership Meeting to be held in September (date to be determined).   (Posted 8/15/19)



Lake Report Update

Our lake report about high water and proposed solutions is in the hands of Waukesha County Park and Planning.  In a phone call yesterday with the Director, he said he brought together a technical team last week to begin to go over our report in detail and review and determine issues and follow-up items.  Park and Planning staff have talked to the DNR abour our report (DNR has also been given copies).  The Director of Park and Planning will provide us a response to our report in three weeks, by July 30th.  Additional info will be passed along when available.


I (Greg O'Hearn) and other members of the MLAA board have met with the Town of Merton Town Chairman and two other Town Supervisors.  They are supportive of our efforts.  Our County Supervisor Richard Morris has also been helpful in getting us in touch with the appropriate technical staff in the County.  (He is also a Town of Merton Supervisor).  State Senator Chris Kapenga has also received a copy of our report and has been in touch with us twice in the last two weeks.  He indicated that he would help in any way he could with state government as to our issue.  If unfamiliar with "the lake report," see article further below.  (Posted 7/10/19)



Lake Report Available

At the September 26, 2018 meeting of the Moose Lake Advancement Association, it was voted 52 to 3 “that the Moose Lake Advancement Association Board focus its energies on pursuing a solution to the high water issues on Moose Lake and that all riparian owners be informed of the findings.”  That effort culminated in a report entitled “Report on the Elimination of Chronic High Water Issues on Moose Lake by the Restoration of a Drainage Outlet from Moose Lake in Waukesha County, Wisconsin.”  That report has been published on this website can be found under Documents tab.  You will find more details about efforts to address the high water issues on Moose Lake in a letter that went out to all lake riparian owners at the owner's mailing address found in County records.  You can expect to see that letter in the next few days.  (Posted 6/21/19)



2019 Dues Due - Updated Membership Form

Based on by-law changes last year, membership and dues are now "per riparian property" and are $45 annually.  Turn in your dues and updated membership form (click here) to Sue Laabs, MLAA Treasurer, on or before the Annual Meeting (see below) and you will be able to vote at the meeting.  Speaking of voting... in anticipation of future electronic voting, we need the "primary email address" for the member property on your membership form.  We have found a secure online voting service (Opa Vote), and we can handle elections with private voting on your computer or tablet or smartphone, using your email for voting (or a "kiosk computer" at a meeting, without email).  Once you vote with your email, you cannot vote again.  


Dues go primarily to "aquatic plant control" (weed spraying) and the appropriate related permits.  Other typical expenditures are for insurance, printing and some postage. (Posted 4/18/2019)



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New Web Site

This is the official web site of the Moose Lake Advancement Association.  The web address is an easy-to-remember: